舊社,曾經座落古色古香的三合院、煙寮以及一望無際的稻田,是業主從小到大對於外公外婆家的記憶。經過一年又一年的重劃,三合院消失了,兒時的記憶也逐漸被抹去,一眼望去的景象不再是稻田,而是一整片的水泥叢林。 他們選擇在舊社這塊土地上,重新落地生根,為了懷念外公外婆,也為了將這份情感傳遞下去。
Gûsiâ was once located in a historical type of residence “sanheyuan” that was commonly found throughout Taiwan. The name literally means a courtyard surround by three buildings. This was where the café owners grow up, the buildings were surrounded by paddy fields. The place now is now surrounded by concrete jungle.
They chose to re-establish this café at Gûsiâ is in order for them to commemorate their grandparents and pass on their memories.
They chose to re-establish this café at Gûsiâ is in order for them to commemorate their grandparents and pass on their memories.
舊社,閩南語發音 Gûsiâ 。剛好跟英文的 Good Shot 發音一樣。
對於咖啡師來說,好的濃縮咖啡的呈現,希望每一杯都會是 Good Shot。
Gûsiâ in Hokkienese has similar pronunciation as English “Good-shot”.
Representing how the barista wants to bring out every cup of expresso as their best shot.
The interior design concept was to keep everything simple and clean, the designer uses a lot white so the audience can stay focus at the coffee itself and also their respect to this mother land.
Representing how the barista wants to bring out every cup of expresso as their best shot.
The interior design concept was to keep everything simple and clean, the designer uses a lot white so the audience can stay focus at the coffee itself and also their respect to this mother land.
Client | Good shot cafe
Year | 2020
Art director | Eason
Designer | Wendy
Commercial interior Designer | eason & jimmy